Will return in 2025


Exploring the latest trends & strategies

Join us for an excellent opportunity to acquire the latest insights and discover upcoming strategies within Marketing Automation. We promise inspiration, new perspectives and rewarding input from speakers who all possess unique cutting-edge expertise and have educational experiences to share.


Any industry professionals, from newbies to experts, who want to gain new insights and knowledge within the realm of Marketing Automation, Personalisation, AI and more.


   Learn how to navigate change through transformation, automation, and modernization
   Take in inspiration and concrete tips from nordic & international experts and companies at the forefront
   Access to the speaker´s presentations and other relevant material afterwards.

  •  "Great agenda and competent speakers"

  • "Great speakers, relevant topics and actionable advise."



Annika Grumert Klang

CEO | Oculos AB

Annika has an everlasting interest for martech and marketing automation, whether it comes to implementing process for wow, the communication that reaches your customers or the technological landscape supporting in the back. Annika has +10 years experience with crm & marketing automation, working at different agencies, suppliers and customers.

Joakim Spångberg

Presales Consultant | Efficy

Joakim Spånberg works as a presales consultant for Efficy, focusing on both the CRM solution and the Marketing platform. Bringing value to the customer is my main focus. I believe data is the key, and I love the fact that something as “boring” as data can be used for something as creative as marketing flows and customer journeys. I will present a customer case in detail to hopefully inspire you to have an even sharper marketing strategy.  

Therese Mattisson

Commercial Team Manager | Bonnier News

Therese is an experienced leader who enjoys working with Digital Growth, Marketing Automation and CX. Eight years of experience in operational and strategic work within data driven marketing, combined with a solid background in leadership and enabling change. To succeed, She thinks it's important to do something that will benefit the company and its customers and to challenge the status quo. Then it will feel like an ever-changing journey. Therese is constantly looking to be influenced and inspired by other people.

Alexander Hadley Ogrin

Marketing Automation Specialist | Smart senior

I am passionate about data collection/use, segmentation and marketing automation. At Smart Senior, I work with our newsletters, CRM, marketing automation and affiliate sales. Smart Senior is a member company that offers favorable discounts and offers to all people who have reached the age of 55, i.e. 55+ people. 


Product Marketing Manager | Adobe

Based in Paris, Ania is a Product Marketing Manager for Adobe, driving go-to-market strategies focused on marketing automation in the EMEA regions. Prior to Adobe, Ania had worked for 8 years in digital marketing across EMEA and APAC creating strategic insights and designing Web go-to-market plans in fast moving environments.


Marketing Automation Manager | eBerry by Nordic Choice Hotels

Zacharias has a background within CRM & Marketing Automation from various industries; Retail, Automotive, Telecom. Since June 2022 he is managing the Nordic Choice-groups central, direct communication to enhance the relationship between the guests and its 300 hotels within the Nordics. He has a MSc in Marketing from SSE



Mats founded Wednesday Relations 2002 and have extended experience in marketing, sales, digital business and CRM. Mats has worked in line-positions within marketing and sales in Sweden and worldwide. Together with Wednesday Relations, Mats has created a lot of conferences and seminars, and is also a very popular and well-experienced moderator.

Subject to change




Welcome to Marketing Automation Day


Moderator: Mats Gustafsson

Founder & CEO | Wednesday Relations


Expert: The effect of automated communication at scale

Møller Mobility Group is the biggest car company in the Nordics and Balticum. This is the story on how they turned automated emails into companywide results. We´ll look into how Møller Mobility Group creates personalized emails that´ll reach the customer at the right time in order to build loyalty and commitment over time.

  • Success factors
  • Scalability
  • Results & more

Speaker: Annika Grumert Klang

CEO | Oculos AB


Keynote: Discover your B2B Customer Journey Maturity

In recent years, customer journeys have drastically changed, and it has become critical for B2B companies to deliver a coherent, consistent, and tailored journey for each customer and account using both traditional and non-traditional channels. In this session, we will share with you how B2B marketing has changed, which characteristics determine maturity in B2B customer journeys and what the latest best practices and examples are.

Key areas you will learn about: 

Understanding of customer/account behavior and intent
Why real-time data is the next big thing in B2B
Organizational and digital capabilities you need for a seamless B2B customer journey

Speaker: Ania Zahi

Product Marketing Manager | Adobe


Short break

We take a short break and refill our energy level. ☕️


Case | Smart Senior: How we optimised our personalised marketing by transforming customer data into customer insights

As a marketer, you can use personalised strategies to improve customer experience. By collecting data and using it in the right way at the right time, you can create marketing that attracts your target audience. Learn how customer insights help you gain a better understanding of your customers to optimize your personalised marketing.

Speaker: Alexander Hadley Ogrin & Joakim Spångberg

Marketing Automation Specialist | Smart senior | Presales Consultant | Efficy


Panel discussion: Key challenges and latest trends within Marketing Automation

Join in an interesting discussion with four MA experts. Our moderator Mats will lead the panel. Send your questions in the chat during the session.

Panel: Mats Gustafsson (WR), Ania Zahi (Adobe), Annika Grumert Klang (Oculos), Joakim Spångberg (Efficy) and Alexander Hadley Ogrin (Smart Senior)


Short break

We take a short break and refill our energy level. ☕️


Case | Choice Hotels: Marketing Automation challenges in a multibrand environment

Discover how Nordic Choice Hotels handle Marketing Automation in their multibrand environment and how they manage to conduct a choir of 300 hotels.

  • Differences between Central and Local communication
  • What we have learned & plans for the future

Speaker: Zacharias Elinder



This presentation will be in Swedish!

Case | Bonnier News: Så blev vi ”best in class” genom Marketing Automation

Bonnier News befinner sig i en bransch under stor förändring, både organisationsmässigt och för att bli “best in class”. För att framgångsrikt uppnå mål krävs inte bara att lyckas överbrygga gapet mellan teknik, data och affär, det kräver även en kultur och ledarskap som stöttar innovativa strategier och roadmaps.

  • Old news, att dra in nya kunder är ofta mer kostsamt än att behålla en existerande. Ändå satsar bolag mer kraft på intaget än lojalitet - Varför? Det tar tid att ställa om, bryta mark och följa effekten av lojaliserande insatser!
  • Så kan ett engagemangsscore som bygger på kundbeteende möjliggöra datadriven och prediktiv bearbetning
  • Utmaningar och insikter i att leda ett korsfunktionellt team med end to end ansvar 

Talare: Therese Mattisson

Commercial Team Manager | Bonnier News


Summarize and ending words

Moderator: Mats Gustafsson

Founder & CEO | Wednesday Relations

Subject to change